Sugarbox di fine estate

Bentornati Pinelle e Pinelli! Ormai le vacanze sono terminate un po' per tutti... e quale miglior sorpresa di un pacchettino che ti aspetta per renderti più dolce la ripresa lavorativa?…

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Late summer Sugarbox

Welcome back Pinelle and Pinelli! The hols are over for all of us now... and what better surprise than a package to sweeten up the bitter back-to-work blues? As I…

Continua a leggere Late summer Sugarbox

To our four-legged friends!

Ciao pinelle and pinelli!!! I decided to dedicate this post to our four-legged friends, in particular, dogs! :) Tommy and Mia are mad about Claudia’s dog, he’s a gorgeous boxer…

Continua a leggere To our four-legged friends!

My beauty products!

Dear Pinelle, I have just finished filming the episodes of EMHEI... I've been away for quite a while but it was definitely a thrill (and very tiring!). However, before I plunge…

Continua a leggere My beauty products!