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Gli shop di Alessia

Getting back into shape after pregnancy: viva fit new mums!


Dear Pinelle, even if nature has been very kind to me and after giving birth I didn’t find it too difficult to lose weight (even if I had put on a good 15 kilos!), I can guarantee you that, like all women and mums, I looked for alternative methods for getting back into shape that didn’t necessarily involve the gym or a strict diet.

After giving birth, with a baby it is very difficult to find time to train and do exercises, but now that spring is finally here, I want to show you a simple fun way to get your figure back without leaving your little one at home and, especially, at the weekend if you work during the week.

Lazy and need someone to encourage you? Take a look at (I came across doing research on the web). MammaFit is a training programme for new mums, gymnastics based on stretching and toning exercises with a pram or baby carrier used as an accessory during the lesson. It has been devised for women whose babies are at least six weeks old, the lessons are held by qualified instructors and it also gives you the chance to meet other mums and swap useful hints and tips. On the website a map divided into regions shows you which parks are involved: Parco Sempione in Milan, Villa Borghese in Rome, Parco delle Cascine in Florence…anywhere! I haven’t done a lesson yet, but I really want to try it out. You can obviously also do it on your own or with friends – all you need is your buggy or baby carrier, your baby, a nice day and your nearest park.

I have started to post on “MammaFit mood” with Mia and today I wanted to post some photos I took yesterday while we were going to the park. I know, they are rather colourful, but it was such a horrid day yesterday that Mia and I decided to cheer it up a bit and we put on matching cagoules  We had so much fun… try walking fast behind your buggy: instant fitness! Dear Pinelle, let’s get together a platoon of mum with buggies in every city; those with no children who want to just get fit can bring their nephew or niece or dog on a lead… ready, steady, go!!! 😀


– Mia’s jacket and mine : K-Way
– T-shirt: Wildfox
– Trackie bottoms: Happiness
– Mia’s shoes and mine: Nike
– Glasses: Italia Independent
– Baby buggy : Inglesina

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