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New year’s resolutions…


For some, the “new year” begins in September after the summer holidays. For others, January is the perfect time for a brand new start. In both cases, we try to make a new beginning with resolutions and goals to change, or to simply improve, certain aspects of our life.

So, we too decided to make a list of resolutions for this 2016… and since the holidays are officially over, this is definitely the right day to start! 🙂

We wanted to begin with a phrase which I now consider my motto, and one I really wanted to include in my colouring album “La Pinella a Colori”: Be kind and be brave!
I say it often, and it encapsulates two important concepts for me. In life, we need courage, always. And kindness is the essential tool for making ourselves and others feel good. So don’t hold back!lapinellaacolori-album-07-inspirationSince we mentioned my anti-stress colouring album, on our list we also included finding time for ourselves. Be it colouring, for a moment of relaxation, or some self pampering, an evening at the cinema with friends, or a romantic dinner for two… let’s not forget to treat ourselves a little every now and then… completely guilt-free!!!
gruppo-02-new-friendsSmile… smile every day! Because, as the great Charlie Chaplin once said: “A day without a smile is a day lost!”… so smile and be grateful for everything you’ve got!
smileHere is another one of our new year’s resolutions… read Or at least read more! It’s a great way to stimulate the mind and the imagination too! So whenever you can, be it on the train, the bus, on the sofa at home or before sleeping, read! We could even recommend some good books to one another, right?
Alessia-libri-leggereAs you can see, we haven’t included improbable stuff like going to the gym 3 times a week, since we know we wouldn’t keep it up beyond 3 months… (if even that hahahaha), but the last resolution we’ve chosen for this year is expressed in two simple words: MORE LOVE. More love in everyday life, at work, among friends and even towards those we know less well. In this crazy world… there is definitely a need for more love! <3
Well… it is 7 January already… so come on guys!!! What are your new year’s resolutions?

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