Gli shop di Alessia

Gli shop di Alessia

Cold on the way?


Well, my dear pinelle… winter has officially begun and according to experts the first big chill is on its way. Ready to weather it?
As we wait for this wave of snow and ice… perhaps some of us have realised that we are not very well equipped for the new season. So we took a peek here and there and picked out a few garments that might be useful for battling against the low temperatures on the horizon.
These past few months have not been so cold, and we possibly haven’t felt like hunting for heavy clothes… but now it seems that time has come! You may well be dreaming of spring already, but now we just have to be patient and defend ourselves from the harsh elements! 😀

So here is our selection, all dedicated to those who suffer from the cold! From warm quilted jackets to thick woolly jumpers; from gloves to hats and scarves. Everything, basically, to face the drop in temperatures… And maybe even hitting the coming sales for that garment you’ve wanted for so long, for this season’s bargain! 😉


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