Gli shop di Alessia

Gli shop di Alessia

New year, new social!


Dear Pinelle,
today I want to tell you about an app I downloaded a few months ago, but which I only got the chance to discover this past while. I started using it a few weeks ago and found a whole new and really entertaining virtual world! 🙂
So here I am to tell you about Depop, a real social network that lets you create your own little virtual shop absolutely free. By downloading the app you can sell whatever you don’t use anymore, and browse through your friend’s shops for something interesting.

Who knows how many times you’ve bought a pair of shoes, a sweater, a pair of jeans… or even other things which you might have used just once and now they’re there, just sitting in your wardrobe, and you don’t know what to do with them.

Before, you got your friends together and you swapped stuff, but today, in the digital era, the game is much more fun!
Now one click is enough, and as easy as it is to upload a photo on Instagram, you can put your garment online and on sale in a network that boasts 3 million users! It’s basically a social network for shopping!
Once you’ve downloaded it, just register and voilà, you’re ready to go! You can choose what users to follow, you can comment and ask owner of the desired object questions, share your purchases, and, most importantly (actually A MUST!!), leave feedback on the vendors!

I think this app is brilliant; it combines online shopping with the user-friendliness of a social network. It is simple, easy and in one instant you’ll be browsing in the wardrobes of celebrities like Chiara Ferragni, Fedez, Chiara Nasti, A.N.G.E.L.O. Vintage, Eleonora Carisi, Mariano Di Vaio, and that’s not all… because on Depop you can even find very attractive stores and brands! The app’s payment method is Paypal, so you are really safe as houses! In fact, all transactions will be monitored by staff thus eliminating the risk of scams!

I’m just starting out, but soon I’ll be updating my profile so… download the app, login and follow me!!! 😉



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