Xmas Time!

And here we are, girls… as promised, today we’re going to talk about looks for the holidays. The girls of the LaPinella crew and I have

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Ready to go!

Here we are… back again today!!! I really ought to be used to this, especially to BB, but it’s stronger than me and I always

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All Night Long

Greetings Pinelle and Pinelli, how are you? Another weekend is at our doorstep and I’ll be in Rome recording the Coca Cola Summer Festival. But

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Woman in black!

Hello Pinelle!!! The weather may not be great, but today I still want to show you this total black look with bare legs!!! 🙂 Don’t worry

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Ciao Pinelle, I’m back!!!! 🙂 Your Pinellona is back in Rome, recharged and slightly more tanned! I have to admit that despite visiting some amazing

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