Gli shop di Alessia

Gli shop di Alessia

LodenTal event


Hi there, pinelle and pinelli! Today I’m going to show you the photos of an event that I took part in on Sunday afternoon in Rome: the private, special LodenTal sale.
A few years ago, Andrea, a genius and a dear friend of mine, created this brand with the intention of bringing back the legend of Loden using the original fabric from long ago that comes from Trentino. In this way, he has created thousands of different colours of these beautiful coats, also revamping the styles to bring them right up to date.

The result is a small business founded on craftsmanship, but one that is enormously successful! Just think that LodenTal actually works with Gwyneth Paltrow on Goop and its beautiful coats will soon also be on sale in the Shop section of my brand new App.
The event location was a brand new area in Rome, “il Postowhich my friend Stefania has just finished renovating and hires out for various events. It is an amazing, handy place that can be used for thousands of things…

Claudia, whom you know, helped to organise the event and as soon as I arrived, she immediately took some photos of me! Here they are!


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