In check…

Pinelle!!!!! Lots of rain forecast for today, in fact there is even a weather alert here in Rome. For the moment things seem okay… No snaps

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There and back

Hello there Pinelle and Pinelli! Today’s outfit is perfect if you, like me, adore comfortable, practical looks with a pinch of style. Actually, despite the fact

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Red tweed

Hello there Pinelle and Pinelli!!! Had a good weekend? I’m on the train with Mia and taking a moment of peace to write to you!

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Romantic dinner…

Pinelle!!! Are you ready for another weekend? We’ll be busy with rehearsals for BB, as appointments between the studio and production get more and more intense… and

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All Night Long

Greetings Pinelle and Pinelli, how are you? Another weekend is at our doorstep and I’ll be in Rome recording the Coca Cola Summer Festival. But

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